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Tim and David ignore Mountain Lion, discuss the invention of the Internet, big media companies, Olympic coverage online, Mitt Romney, CNNs tech coverage headlines, Microsoft, Sparrow being taken over my Google, Flickr, and much more.
How Microsoft Lost its Mojo
Hello Tim and David, You guys briefly mentioned Mountain Lion I upgraded to it and it actually makes my macbook pro work better and quicker than Lion did. I must say if you guys were given every C.E.O. job you guys mentioned it would improve those companies by a huge amount in my opinion because you guys simply talk sense when you discuss them, which most of those companies don’t seem to know how to do but you guys would have no time for a life or for Tech Fan.
We would MAKE the time, Peter. We love doing this too much. David and I can barely afford to make the time to do it as it is 🙂
Well speak for myself I’m glad you do