Tim and David look at the launch of Windows 95, what it means for the tech world at the time, and the fact that it was 30 years ago. Plus Steam OS news, Gaming on PC, Nvidia. and much more.
Tim and David discuss the Steam Spy news, FTC telling companies that third party repairs do not void warranties, Mark on Capital Hill, suggestion for Apple, and Lenovo news and Wikitrolling!
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ThinkPad 25
Lenovo via Wikipedia
Steam Spy
FTC: Warranty-voiding language like Nintendo’s and Sony’s is illegal
Tim Robertson and David Cohen talk language, iTunes U, the new AppMinute, independent apps, modding, in-app purchase, Steam, Parenting, iTunes Radio, Nick Rodriguez, and more.
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David Cohen is in Botswana, Africa, and his audio quality via Skype is better than usual. Up first, David has a real beef with the Steam service, and Tim is sick of no good gamepads for the Macintosh. Other subjects include NASA, the Space Shuttle program, hacking cell phones and voice messages, News of the World, break-ups via FaceBook, Google Images searches, and a lot more.