RIP FLIP – Episode 27

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Tim and David delve into Amazon’s Android App store and disagree, then a short rant on the TSA performing pat downs on children. Also, Cisco has killed off the Flip, and Tim and David spend just a few moments on ideas that no one had at Cisco to rescue the produce, apparently. Finally, Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a new home console system very soon, so the topic turns to the Wii and what Nintendo should have in the next system.

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Useful Tech Roundup – Episode 25

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Tim’s away this week, so it’s David on his own – slapping down on the Internet’s obsession with April Fool prank stories, and talking about some old and new gadgets that he’s been geeking out on.

HyperMac iPad Stand
Iomega Peerless
Sony NEX-5 Camera 
Smartdisk FlashTrax

Richard Phillips – Episode 24

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Best selling author Richard Phillips joins Tim and David to talk about publishing on the Kindle, the art of writing and creating, and his excellent book series, The Rho Agenda. Also, Tim takes the plunge and buys a new 11-inch MacBook Air, some listener feedback, and an and to our dedicated studio.

Contact us at, or David and Tim on Twitter

Author Richard Phillips

Jason Hiner – Episode 23

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Jason Hiner 
of CBS Interactive and the Editor in Chief of the TechRepublic joins Tim and David! Topics include Intel’s move from USB 3 to LightPeak (Thunderbolt), Wireless USB, Tablets, the MyMac Podcast Network, and the future of how we will get our content.

Forget Intel’s Thunderbolt, Wireless USB is the revolution
Tech Sanity Check
Jason on Twitter

Say No to In App B.S. – Episode 20

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Tim and David talk about the history of bad gaming consoles, GameLoft taking advantage of buyers by gaming the system, and Tim needs your help! Should he pick up a MacBook Air? Listen to the show, then be sure to send us feedback by phone 1-801-938-5559 or email:


A Shea of Celebration – Episode 19

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This week, David Cohen gets fed-up with celebrations! Wait, what… Also, with the Mobile Worldwide Congress is going on, and David gives his thoughts on the Microsoft / Nokia partnership. To start off the show, Tim chats with a fellow MacSpecialistKevin Shea, and discuss the idea of a podcast and asks for your advise.

The Daily Discussion – Episode 18

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Tim and David take a look at the NEW publication, The Daily. Is the subscription magazine on iPad finally done right, or is it more of the same? Macworld Expo 2011 has come and gone, and the guys have some ideas on how to make it better next year. Plus, Sony introduces the new PSP 2, or whatever it will be called, and Nintendo states that download games will be tied to devise, NOT to user accounts. Much fodder to chew on this week!Link:
The Daily

Macworld Expo 2011 Day 2 Part 2 Episode 17

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With Macworld Expo 2011 as a backdrop, Tim Robertson, Owen Rubin, and special guest Ira Feigelman talk tech and gadget goodness. Ira participates in his very first podcast, and we talk about his very first computer, his favorite gadget, some Macworld Expo history, and much more. Recorded in Tim’s palatial (cough-cough) hotel suite on Day Two of Macworld Expo.

Macworld Expo 2011 Day 1 Part 2 – Episode 16

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Macworld Expo Day 1 coverage continues as host Tim Robertson and special guest Owen Rubin have a long discussion about not just this years Macworld Expo, but the event of years past. Do you remember Global Village? Do you have a large collection of unused Macs cluttering up your basement? This is the podcast for you, and Tim and Owen wax nostalgia for an hour.

Pre-Macworld Expo, iPhone Audio Recording – Episode 15

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David and Tim discuss the upcoming Macworld Expo 2011 and plans on how we will record podcasts from the showroom floor. Tim from TechFan and Guy from MyMac will be on the main stage on Saturday, January 29, and will we be broadcast via Macworld Live at 12PM PST. Also, Apple released sales figures from Q1 2011, and while we don’t really go into the money, we do look at these figures to gauge the interest in the Tech world.

iPhone XLR Microphone Adapter

iPad Theft, iTunes, and eBooks – Episode 14

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Tim and David discuss adventures in catching iPad thieves. Or, more appropriately, Tim’s stupidity on said subject. iTunes turns ten years old, and we look back on a decade of ups and downs with the venerable software. Finally, Tim falls in love with Kindle! Or at least the software and book selection, and even has a ebook recommendation for you!

CES and Mac App Store – Episode 13

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Tim and David discuss the disappointment and general confusion that is CES. Meanwhile, Apple has launched the Mac App Store, and with only twenty-four hours into it, our hosts have some opinions! Finally, big Macworld Expo plans that will see TechFan and MyMac Podcasts joining forces to bring you both coverage, and a chance to see us live on stage during the expo!