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While everyone is talking iOS 5, Tim and David look at iOS 6! Wait, what? Plus, GTA coming to iOS, and HP TouchPad Android!
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While everyone is talking iOS 5, Tim and David look at iOS 6! Wait, what? Plus, GTA coming to iOS, and HP TouchPad Android!
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TechFan 50 celebrates Steve Jobs with a large panel of contributors, including Tim Robertson, David Cohen, Guy Serle, GazMaz, David Biedney, Sam Levin, Rich Lefko, Steve Hammond, Antonio Gómez, Scott Willsey, and Mark Greentree.
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Way back in TechFan episode 1, Tim and David have talked about the need and want of a new tablet devise that they could get as excited for as they were the iPad. Now that Amazon has announced and shown off the Kindle Fire, has their hopes come true?
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Tom Schmidt from FirstTech in Minneapolis joins Tim and David to discuss what an Apple Specialist is, what they do, and why Apple customers may have a better choice than an Apple Store. Tim buys a new PS3 and overlooks obvious solutions to getting his saved game data to the new machine. Neflix has more woes, as does David with iOS games. Plus, after HP ditches the TouchPad, now they ditch their CEO! All that, and MUCH more on this episode of TechFan.
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David Cohen returns to join Tim Robertson on a variety of topics, including Mike Arrington, Windows 8, older game genres, and soup. Yes, soup!
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Senior Engineer Frank Lombaer joins Tim Robertson for a terrific chat. The topics include video games from yesteryear, today, and tomorrow, keyboards, how Frank became a tech fan, the future of technology, and how one becomes a Macintosh Senior Engineer. And that, officially, is the longest sentence I have written in months!
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A slowish Tech week finds David still in Las Vegas. Android Tablets are discusses, as well as the possibility of Android on the HP TouchPad. Are we really in a Post-PC world, or has the PC simply evolved? We have feedback from Frank, who defends classic games as being unsophisticated as David said on the last show. Finally, Tim and David look at a handful of iOS apps, including productivity and games.
Defender of the Crown
Crimson: Steam Pirates
Siege Hero HD
Reckless Getaway
Bejeweled 2
Wyse Pocket Cloud
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Steve Jobs steps down as CEO of Apple, and you know Tim and David have to talk about it. Are older video games still relevant today with the younger generation? And we return to our Technology in the Movies by looking at the 1998 mega-hit Armageddon.
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A crazy week in the tech world means a fun show for TechFan! First, Google buys Motorola’s mobile devision for HOW MUCH? Yikes. Then, HP kills off not only the new WebOS devises, but all their consumer PC business to boot. Double yikes! Finally, would you rather have forty iOS games, or one Nintendo 3DS game?
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It’s a mixed bag of the fun and deadly serious this week as David Cohen brings us up to date on the rioting, looting, and rampant disorder going on in London and the rest of the U.K. this week and how technology is playing a part. Then, in the second half of the show, Tim and David go back in time to May 2005, and take a listen to MyMac Podcast 27 in which then hosts Chad Perry and Tim Robertson (Yes, THAT Tim Robertson) had a segment in which they rated the current Apple rumors. How did they do? Listen to find out, it’s a can’t miss!
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Tim Robertson has an HP TouchPad! Is it as good as an iPad? Should you consider buying one? Tim goes into depth after his first week with the tablet. Our new semi-regular segment Technology in the Movies kicks off with the concept of Cloning from the 1984 film Starman, staring Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen. We would love to hear your suggestions on what technologies in the movies we should talk about! Contact us below!
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With David on vacation, Tim Robertson is joined by MyMac writers Donny Yankellow and Elisa Pacelli. Topics include ebooks, Lion, buying physical books, music, and movies compared to the electronic variety, great children’s software for the iPad, and how much better everything is now than it was in “the old days”.
Tim on Twitter
Donny on Twitter
Elisa on Twitter!/senseidai
Scroll Down Books
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David and Tim delve into listener feedback. Netflix, Google +, and Final Cut Pro X are our returning champions. Also, why don’t everyone have Solar Panels on their roof nowadays? And what happened the the HiFi Separates industry?
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David Cohen and Tim Robertson turn to the iPhone and cool apps in the first segment. The iMainGo X speaker systems gets a workout, Songify, Robot Loves Kitty, Stitcher, X-Mini II Capsule Speaker, and more. In the second segment, Netflix, Google Plus, 3D movies, a new online movie idea, and much more are talked about.
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David Cohen is in Botswana, Africa, and his audio quality via Skype is better than usual. Up first, David has a real beef with the Steam service, and Tim is sick of no good gamepads for the Macintosh. Other subjects include NASA, the Space Shuttle program, hacking cell phones and voice messages, News of the World, break-ups via FaceBook, Google Images searches, and a lot more.
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Tim and David discuss the 4th anniversary of the iPhone, Tim’s recent Apple store visit, streakers, noise from the tech press, and monkeys!
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This week, David is joined by Darren Griffin, Co-founder and Editorial/Operations Director of, a leading site for GPS gadgets and software. The conversation covers all things mapping, Darren’s computing preferences and the RIM/BlackBerry tailspin.
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David Cohen sits in a car, with his iPad, to participate in TechFan this week. That’s dedication! Tim Robertson and David welcome special guest Mark O’Neill, the developer behind Movie Draft. If you have ever thought of writing a screenplay, this is the software for you! Also covered is WWDC 2011 and E3 2011. Wii U anyone?
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Justin Bryce joins Tim Robertson to chat about the state of video games! As the host of Drunken Halo, Justin talks about the process of podcasting, his take on the E3, and much more.
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Mice, keyboards, and scanners, oh my. Tim and David discuss the lack of good keyboards, and what Tim has on his desk that may be the best keyboard ever made. Sick of changing batteries in your Magic Mouse? We have a solution for that as well. And how close are we really to a paperless office or home?
Customizer 104/105
The Magic Charger for the Magic Mouse