Under the Sea – Episode 71

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David and Tim host an abbreviated TechFan this week due to technical difficulties and a storm moving in. Topics include Adobe advertising strategy, Dell departing from the cell phone business, the downward spiral of RIM, and Jeff Bezos finding the Apollo 11′s F-1 engine at the bottom of the ocean.

Bezos reports finding Apollo 11′s F-1 engines deep in the Atlantic
Adobe’s latest critical security update pushes scareware
Dell Ends Smartphone Sales in the US

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Diablo iPad Vita – Episode 70

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Tim and David both got the new iPad, and share their thoughts. Also up for discussion: PSVita, the lovely attitude cell phone carriers have of their customers, the Qmadix Portfolio, a dedicated MAME handheld, and David falls out of love with Blizzard over Diablo III.

Leisure Suit Rubin – Episode 66

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Tim sits down with Owen Rubin to discuss giving up caffeine, lending institutions not taking money, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, and lastly Innovative Leisure. Unfortunately, outside matters take hold and we had to cut the last segment shorter than we had hoped. Look for Owen again soon on TechFan!

Innovative Leisure

Awesomo Show – Episode 63

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Tim Robertson sits with a variety of guests for the first Macworld Expo iWorld show of 2012. Guests include Steve Sande of TUAW as well as Guy, Larry, Nemo, Sam, Vicky, and Tom of MyMac.com! This is day one, so look for two more shows this week, and be sure to catch Tim on the MyMac Podcast all week long

Copy Cats – Episode 62

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Just how bad is copying in the tech industry? While there should be no debate that everyone seems to be borrowing design ideas from everyone else, is it becoming a pandemic? Tim and David chat about this, and a variety of other topics I would remember better if it were not twelve long hours ago that we recorded the show and when I am typing this up. Oh, and Mr. Cohen never did send me that link for Dungeon Raid, so I had to spend at LEAST forty-five seconds looking it up myself! I know, right?!?

Dungeon Raid
Kingdom Rush

OSlicous – Episode 60

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Tim and David spend the entire episode on the iOS universe, with some recommendations on what to buy, and what NOT to buy, for our favorite handheld computing devices.

Sonic CD
Batman Arkham City Lockdown
Infinity Blade 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Wired by Douglas E. Richards
Streets of Rage
LogMeIn Ignition
Extraction: Project Outbreak
Jetpack Joyride
Karas Kustoms
iBooks (Dis-pick)

Grumpy Hosts – Episode 58

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Both Tim and David are feeling a bit grumpy, so what better time to record a podcast? Justin Bryce from Geekiest Show Ever and Drunken Halo joins us for half a segment (mostly to pitch that this Sunday is his birthday we think) and talk about the new Halo Anniversary Edition. David and Tim discuss the Steve Jobs biography (Tim is not happy, David is more apathetic), going the minimalist route, and why online videos suck now.

Magical – Episode 57

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With Tim needing to record a night show, and a day early, David had to miss this episode, so Mark Greentree from Not Another Mac Podcast joined in. Topics include the Stoplight Network, Podcasting, the need for innovation in technology, website needs, how magical our world of tech is, and much more!

Contact the show
feedback@mymac.com and leave a message at 1-801-938-5559
David on Twitter
Tim on Twitter
Tim on Google+
Mark on Twitter 

Not Another Mac Podcast
Everyday Mac Support 

Heated Topics – Episode 56

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Tim and David have a heated discussion on the merit and fairness of comparing the Kindle Fire to the iPad in reviews. What the tech industry needs to do to get competitive and make better products is also discussed. Plus, David asks the question: with Modern Warfare 3, has the Xbox 360 reached it’s zenith? And Tim goes through a major change with his entertainment system. And if all that is not enough, some big changes are discussed about the MyMac Podcasting Network, and what is the Stoplight Network?

Contact the show

feedback@mymac.com and leave a message at 1-801-938-5559
David on Twitter
Tim on Twitter
Tim on Google+ 

Underwater – Episode 54

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Owen Rubin joins Tim Robertson for an hour-long discussion on a bevy of topics, including the integrity of product reviewers, the problem with Sony, the TRS 80, Ready Player One, Macworld Expo – iWorld 2012, Parallels for Mac, and more!

David Weeks OWC Review from 2009
Dungeons of Daggorath

Not Another TechFan Podcast – Episode 53

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On this episode of Not Another Tech Fan Podcast Mark is joined by Dennis Freitas, Jeff Bradbury and Kelly Spore. We discuss on this episode: G+ and social networking, Technology in education, and RANT: Our likes and dislikes at the moment

Mark can be found at http://about.me/markgreentree and his podcast is Not Another Mac Podcast.
Dennis can be found at http://about.me/dennisfreitas and his podcast is Google Plus Today.
Jeff can be found at www.TeacherCast.net and his podcast is TeacherCast.
Kelly can be found at http://kellysworld.net/