Lifeaphobic – Episode 88

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Why do we only celebrate someone after they are gone? Tim reviews the Nexus 7, but not really. He also reviews the Kindle Touch, but again, not really. Why is Field Runners 2 now on the back burner? Mountain Lion, the Olympics, menu item creep, and much more is discussed.

Photo Booth Emergency – Episode #86

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David and Tim discuss some fun new iOS games, Emergency and Field Runners 2. We get some audio feedback from Scott Wilsey to kick of the show to discuss Twitter, and David prepares to break his Olympic records. Also, what direction should Yahoo take now that they have a new CEO? And Nokia is not looking good.

Emergency for iPad (2 or 3 only)
Field Runners 2
The Verge

The Bet – Episode 82

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David gets a new television while Tim plays some lego video games. An argument breaks out thanks to feedback from John Nemo with fifty-bucks on the line, and the guys look at both Windows Phone 8 and the Surface from Microsoft.

Some Thoughts On 3D
David’s new TV

Wifi Safari – Episode #81

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A huge week of Apple related happenings on both the Macintosh and iOS fronts. Tim and David discuss that, Vizio making a push into the computer market, and the possibility of the XPad!

TV Maker Vizio Launches First Laptops and All-in-One PCs
Microsoft to Build Its Own Windows 8 Tablet?

Because We Podcast
Episode #78

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Tim Robertson and David Cohen discuss David’s week-long love affair with his Greece Stomach Virus, the iHome Genuine Fit Case for the iPad, HP and the Enyo team, SpaceX, Airfoil, Facebook stock, the confusing state of PSP games on the PSVita, and the wonderful Because We May sale. Wow, what a long sentence!

Because We May

Selling Out – Episode #77

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David returns from Greece to join Tim in a lively number of topics, including ASMC, iPad cases, the Zagg Keys Solo, Square, Adobe, stands for your portable devices, the Quirky Converge, USB Charging cables, PadPivot, and much more. Plus, listener feedback!

OfficeMax Mesh 4-Shelf Desk Sorter
Zagg Keys Solo
How Yahoo Killed Flickr
Qmadix USB Charging-Data Sync Cable


Potter-rific – Episode #75

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We owe Samsung an apology! And a firm finger-shaking Shame On YOU to RIM. In iOS new is RockBand, Robot Wants Kitty, and Lego Harry Potter Years 5 – 7. We wrap things up with the Kindle Fire. It all seems to be Mobile this week!

Acropolis – Episode #74

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Topics detour this week as Tim Robertson and David Cohen go into detail on Skydrive, Pixel Of Ink, The Geekiest Show Ever, the Samsung Wake Up promotion, Sony and the PSVita, and how you can get David to send you something for free.

TechFan Podcast Page
Pixel of Ink 
Ze Frank is back! 
Geekiest Show Ever #59

Liquid Metal – Episode 73

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What the heck is Liquid Metal? You will have to listen to this episode of TechFan to find out. Also, is digitizing archived materials actually good? The original Prince of Persia for the Apple II has it’s source code released, and it’s David’s birthday!

Archives digitize 19th century materials for 21st century access
Original Apple II Prince of Persia source code published by creator
How ‘Liquidmetal’ Could Give the Next iPhone Its Special Swagger

PSVita – Episode 72

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After the last show, Tim gets a PSVita for a first-look review. Then Windows Phone 7 is discussed, and the review of the Lumia 900 by The Verge is talked about. Finally, a new Trojan has appeared on the Mac, and what is one to do?

Lumia 900 Review via The Verge
Apple Releases iDVD for iPad
MyMac on FaceBook