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Tim Robertson and David Cohen discus the closure of LucasArts, the new Facebook phone, april fools jokes, always on video games systems, the third anniversary of the iPad, the Microsoft Surface, and much more.
Hello, David- I left a comment a few weeks ago as iBooker- doing this via mobile doesn’t seem to require me to log in. In re your comment that original airport cards can’t do WPA, I know that many of mine do. I also know that some machines can be horribly buggy with it, and some won’t at all. I have a feeling that it has to do with putting the OS onto the hard drive via cloning; that’s how I have done it to several g3s, and some work and some don’t. My daughter was using a 500 MHz (!) until late last year on our home N network which includes power macs, intel macs, and a 3rd gem Apple TV from a non apple router. Also, see this from Apple:
Sorry so terse, posting from on the road.